Monata Kunveno (Online)
Online meeting!
La Esperanto-Societo de Ĉikago
The Esperanto Society of Chicago
Online meeting!
Online meeting!
Nia monata kunveno en la biblioteko en la urbocentro de Ĉikago, en la norda parto de la 7-a etaĝo. Our monthly meeting in the library in downtown Chicago, in the north part of the 7th floor. Por rezervi vian sidlokon, bonvolu respondi sube! To reserve your seat, please RSVP below!
Online meeting!
Online meeting!
Our monthly meeting! Join us at the library. What if I don't speak Esperanto or am learning? All are welcome. We also speak English. This meeting is certified crocodile friendly. Please register below: The library limits the number of people in each room. How to find us: Check back