Int’l Cafe (Internacia Kafejo)
Revolution Brewing - Brewery & Taproom 3340 N Kedzie Ave, Chicago, ILLook for the Esperanto table!
La Esperanto-Societo de Ĉikago
The Esperanto Society of Chicago
Look for the Esperanto table!
Ni trinkos kafon kaj parolos Esperanton! Ne zorgu pri via lingva nivelo! - We will drink coffee and speak Esperanto! We will meet online! Use the link below: http://esperanto-chicago.org/retkunveno ============== Contact us at: esperanto-chicago@googlegroups.com About Esperanto: Esperanto is a constructed international language designed for easy learning and global communication. It
Great event for beginners!
Great on-line event for beginners!
Join online!
Great for beginners!
Great event for beginners!
Great on-line event for beginners!
Grab a cup of coffee and join us online!
New Downtown location!! Great for beginners.