Manĝu, Manĝu!
Panera Bread, 7400 W North Ave, Elmsood Park, IL 7400 W North Ave, Elmwood Park, ILIn person event!
La Esperanto-Societo de Ĉikago
The Esperanto Society of Chicago
In person event!
Join us online!
Grab your coffee and join us online!
Great for beginners!
Look for the Esperanto table!
Ni trinkos kafon kaj parolos Esperanton! Ne zorgu pri via lingva nivelo! - We will drink coffee and speak Esperanto! We will meet online! Use the link below: http://esperanto-chicago.org/retkunveno ============== Contact us at: esperanto-chicago@googlegroups.com About Esperanto: Esperanto is a constructed international language designed for easy learning and global communication. It
Great event for beginners!
Great on-line event for beginners!
Join online!
Great for beginners!